Humanities Seminar, Fall 2020, Announcements Page


10/1  Video of Merle Haggard's "America First," 2005, click here

10/8  For 1933 speech by Smedley Butler, click here. For key dates of the Cold War, click here.

10/15  For a map of Korea, click here. For a list of names pertaining to the Korean conflict, click here

11/5    For list of names associated with the Vietnam War, click here.  For a map of Vietnam, click here

11/12  For those who are interested in reading more on the economic changes of this period, see the following:

Amin Mirzadegan, “Nixon’s Folly: The White House and the 1970s Oil Price Crisis,” Yale Historical Review 5, no. 2, 2016,…. Easy to read, short, and clear.

Michael Moffitt, The World’s Money: International Banking from Bretton Woods to the Brink of Insolvency. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983. Should be available via A popular but well informed account.

More detailed and a bit academic, for those with some economics background:

Eric Helleiner, States and the Reemergence of International Finance: From Bretton Woods to the 1990s. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1996.

11/19  For a list of names associated with foreign policy during the 1970s and 1980s, click here. For transcript of Brzezinski interview on covert operations in Afghanistan, click here.

Here is a link to the BBC documentary on the Shah of Iran, "Decadance and Downfall," click here. Highly recommended.