
David N. Gibbs

Professor of History
University of Arizona
PhD in Political Science, 1989, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

** 4-minute video synopsis of my work **
(Sorry about the background music!)

Email: dgibbs@arizona.edu
Contact Information

Debate at Oxford Union: 
D. Gibbs debates Michael Chertoff, former US Secretary of Homeland Security
"Humanitarian Intervention: A Contradiction in Terms?"
Oxford Union Society, Oxford University, March 4, 2019.
For a debate transcript, click here.
For the full video, click here.




Revolt of the Rich: How the Politics of the 1970s Widened America's Class Divide.
Columbia University Press, 2024. See Amazon listing.  
Translated Chinese edition in preparation.
For a published interview about the book, click here. 

First Do No Harm: Humanitarian Intervention and the Destruction of Yugoslavia. 
Vanderbilt University Press, 2009. See Amazon listing. Translated into Serbo-Croatian.

The Political Economy of Third World Intervention: Mines, Money, and US Policy in the Congo Crisis.
University of Chicago Press, 1991. See Amazon listing.


My Curriculum Vitae

Courses Offered

Publications on Afghanistan

Debate on the CIA and Academe

Debate on Political Bias in International Relations Research

Guide To Using Declassified Documents

See an attack article against David Gibbs from Breitbart News.


Recent Articles/Interviews/Lectures:

D. Gibbs, "America's First Neoliberal President [Jimmy Carter]," Compact,
October 1, 2024. For full text, click here.

D. Gibbs, "US Provoked the 1979 Russian Invasion of Afghanistan: Parallel to Ukraine?"
Antiwar.com, September 16, 2024. For full text, click here.
Abrreviated Swedish translation, click here.

D. Gibbs in panel discussion on the the Israel, Iran and Hezbollah,
Santita Jackson Show, Chicago, August 14, 2024
For video, click here.

D. Gibbs, "Oil and the Energy Crisis of the 1970s: A Reanalysis,"
Institute for New Economic Thinking, June 25, 2024. For full text, click here

D. Gibbs in panel discussion on the Gaza War,
Santita Jackson Show, Chicago, May 6, 2024
For video, click here.

D. Gibbs intervew on Ukraine conflict at KMUD Radio, California
March 2, 2023.
For audio of interview, click here (Gibbs segment begins at 30:00).

D. Gibbs, in "Ukraine Crisis: Urgent Action Gathering," panel discussion 
with Katrina Vanden Heuvel, former Nation editor; Anna Kashgarian, Institute for Policy Studies;
and Normon Solomon, Roots Action, February 11, 2022.
For video, click here.

D. Gibbs, "Claims over Broken Promises about NATO Simmer at the Heart of 
Ukraine Crisis," Truthout, February 6, 2022. Full full text, click here.

D. Gibbs, "U.S. Broken NATO Promises Fires Conflict In Ukraine," WORT, Madison, Wisconsin, February 16, 2022.
For audio, click here.

D. Gibbs, "The Deadly Policy towards Afghanistan that Lead to Today's Bombing,"
KPFA Radio, Berkeley, CA,  August 26, 2021. For audio, click here.

D. Gibbs, "Afghanistan: A Historical Context," Interview with Radio 786, Cape Town, August 23, 2021.
For audio, click here.

D. Gibbs, "Expel the Koch-Sponsored Freedom Center from the University of Arizona,"
Talk before Democrats of Greater Tucson, January 26, 2021. For video, click here.

D. Gibbs, Interview on NATO, with KMUD, California, January 12, 2020.
For audio, click here.

D. Gibbs, "Do We Still Need NATO?" Real News Network, December 4, 2019.
For full video and interview transcript, click here.

D. Gibbs, "Student Demands at Sarah Lawrence Will Have Negative Impact,"
letter to the editor, Chronicle of Higher Education, March 18, 2019.
For full text, click here.

D. Gibbs, "Is NATO the Bad Guy in Europe?" 
Interview with WORT, Madison, WI, July 11, 2018. For audio, click here.

D. Gibbs, "Does NATO Confront Threats or Create Them?
Professor David Gibbs of the University of Arizona argues that the alliance creates threats that previously didn't exist,"
The Real News, May 27, 2017, For video, click here,

D. Gibbs, "Interview with Noam Chomsky:Why Donald Trump is Pushing the
Doomsday Clock to the Brink of Midnight," Salon, April 3, 2017. 
Also appeared in Afrique-AsieCanadian DimensionSri Lankan Guardian, and Counterpunch.
For full text, click here.

D. Gibbs, Interview with Joan Brunwasser, "Trump Might Actually Be Right about NATO?"
OpedNews, July 23, 2016. For full text click here.

D. Gibbs, "Why the Srebrenica Massacre Should not be Used
as an Excuse for Intervention," History News Network, December 27, 2015.
For full text, click here.

D. Gibbs, "How the Srebrenica Massacre Redefined US Foreign Policy,"
Class, Race, and Corporate Power 3, no. 2, 2015. For full text click here.
Responses by John Theis, Scott Laderman, Jean Bricmont,
Latha Varadarajan, Kees van der Pijl, and John Feffer, click here.
Response by D. Gibbs, click here.

D. Gibbs, "The Srebrenica Precedent: The Srebrenica Massacre was a Tragic Event,
but for the Last Twenty Years, It's been Used to Justify more War and US Intervention,"
Jacobin, July 6, 2015. For full text, click here.

D. Gibbs, "Not so Open and Shut [concerning JFK assassination]," letter to the editor, 
Economist, November 30, 2013.
For full text, click here.

D. Gibbs, "Celebrating French Intervention in Mali:
Media Overlooked Role of 'War on Terror' in Sparking Crisis," Extra, April 1, 2013.
For full text, click here.

D. Gibbs, "The Balkan Wars," Economist, January 19, 2013.
Published as lead letter to the editor. For full text click here.
The Economist ran a response to my letter, in a subsequent edition (click here for full text of response).

D. Gibbs, "Welcome to the Balkan Propaganda Machine," Antiwar.com, June 11, 2012.
For full text, click here.

D. Gibbs, "Libya and the New Warmongering," Foreign Policy in Focus, January 12, 2012.
For full text, click here. For German translation, click here. For Spanish translation, click here.
Published with reply by Michael Bérubé; for debate and exchange, click here

D. Gibbs, "The 'Decent Left' and the Libya Intervention,"
Counterpunch, November 25-27, 2011. Reprinted in Afrique-Asie (online edition).
For full text, click here.

D. Gibbs, "Pompous Rhetoric and Realpolitik: Power Politics, NATO, and the Libyan Intervention,"
Counterpunch, September 15, 2011. Reprinted in  Cafrande Kültür Sanat ve Hayat.
For full text, click here.

D. Gibbs, "Kosovo, a Template for Disaster: The Idea that Kosovo is a Model for Humanitarian
Intervention in Libya is Based on a Series of Myths," London Guardian, March 21, 2011.
For full text click here.

D. Gibbs, "Are Humanitarian Interventions really Humanitarian?", lecture in Sedona, Arizona,
December 17, 2009. For a Youtube video, click here.

D. Gibbs, televised lecture on his 2009 book, First Do No Harm, CSPAN  Book TV,
September 8, 2009. For video, click here.

"Was Kosovo the Good War?" Tikkun, July/August 2009. For full text, click here.